Other Functions

A &< B

The "&<" operator returns true if A's bounding box overlaps or is to the left of B's bounding box.

A &> B

The "&>" operator returns true if A's bounding box overlaps or is to the right of B's bounding box.

A << B

The "<<" operator returns true if A's bounding box is strictly to the left of B's bounding box.

A >> B

The ">>" operator returns true if A's bounding box is strictly to the right of B's bounding box.

A ~= B

The "~=" operator is the "same as" operator. It tests actual geometric equality of two features. So if A and B are the same feature, vertex-by-vertex, the operator returns true.

A @ B

The "@" operator returns true if A's bounding box is completely contained by B's bounding box.

A ~ B

The "~" operator returns true if A's bounding box completely contains B's bounding box.

A && B

The "&&" operator is the "overlaps" operator. If A's bounding boux overlaps B's bounding box the operator returns true.


Returns the area of the geometry if it is a polygon or multi-polygon.


Returns the area of the geometry if it is a polygon or multi-polygon. (same as area2(<polygon|multipolygon>)


Returns the geometry in the OGC "well-known-binary" format, using little-endian encoding. This is useful in binary cursors to pull data out of the database without converting it to a string representation.


returns true if this geometry is valid.


Returns the geometry in the OGC "well-known-binary" format, using big-endian encoding. This is useful in binary cursors to pull data out of the database without converting it to a string representation.


Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite


Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite


Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

Throws an error if the WKT is not a Point


Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

Throws an error if the WKT is not a Line


Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

from the conformance suite

Throws an error if the WKT is not a Line


Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

Throws an error if the WKT is not a Polygon


Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

from the conformance suite

Throws an error if the WKT is not a Polygon


Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

Throws an error if the WKT is not a MULTIPOINT


Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

Throws an error if the WKT is not a MULTILINESTRING


Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

Throws an error if the WKT is not a MULTIPOLYGON


Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

Throws an error if the WKT is not a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION


Makes a Geometry from WKB with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite


Makes a Geometry from WKB with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite


Makes a Geometry from WKB with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

throws an error if WKB is not a POINT


Makes a Geometry from WKB with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

throws an error if WKB is not a LINESTRING


Makes a Geometry from WKB with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

from the conformance suite

throws an error if WKB is not a LINESTRING


Makes a Geometry from WKB with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

throws an error if WKB is not a POLYGON


Makes a Geometry from WKB with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

from the conformance suite

throws an error if WKB is not a POLYGON


Makes a Geometry from WKB with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

throws an error if WKB is not a MULTIPOINT


Makes a Geometry from WKB with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

throws an error if WKB is not a MULTILINESTRING


Makes a Geometry from WKB with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

throws an error if WKB is not a MULTIPOLYGON


Makes a Geometry from WKB with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to -1.

OGC SPEC - option SRID is from the conformance suite

throws an error if WKB is not a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION


Return a Point guaranteed to lie on the surface

Implemented using GEOS

OGC SPEC and -


Returns a BOX3D representing the maximum extents of the geometry.

collect(geometry set)

This function returns a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION object from a set of geometries. The collect() function is an "aggregate" function in the terminology of PostgreSQL. That means that it operators on lists of data, in the same way the sum() and mean() functions do. For example, "SELECT COLLECT(GEOM) FROM GEOMTABLE GROUP BY ATTRCOLUMN" will return a separate GEOMETRYCOLLECTION for each distinct value of ATTRCOLUMN.

mem_collect(geometry set)

This does the the same of collect(geometry), only more memory-friendly (uses less memory and more processor time).

distance_spheroid(point, point, spheroid)

Returns linear distance between two lat/lon points given a particular spheroid. See the explanation of spheroids given for length_spheroid(). Currently only implemented for points.

extent(geometry set)

The extent() function is an "aggregate" function in the terminology of PostgreSQL. That means that it operators on lists of data, in the same way the sum() and mean() functions do. For example, "SELECT EXTENT(GEOM) FROM GEOMTABLE" will return a BOX3D giving the maximum extend of all features in the table. Similarly, "SELECT EXTENT(GEOM) FROM GEOMTABLE GROUP BY CATEGORY" will return one extent result for each category.


The syntax is find_srid(<db/schema>, <table>, <column>) and the function returns the integer SRID of the specified column by searching through the GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table. If the geometry column has not been properly added with the AddGeometryColumns() function, this function will not work either.


Converts the geometry into a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION. This is useful for simplifying the WKB representation.


Forces the geometries into a "2-dimensional mode" so that all output representations will only have the X and Y coordinates. This is useful for force OGC-compliant output (since OGC only specifies 2-D geometries).


Forces the geometries into a "3-dimensional mode" so that all output representations will have the X, Y and Z coordinates.


Returns the 2-dimensional length of the geometry if it is a linestring or multi-linestring.


The length of this Curve in its associated spatial reference.

synonym for length2d()



Returns the 3-dimensional length of the geometry if it is a linestring or multi-linestring.


Calculates the length of of a geometry on an elipsoid. This is useful if the coordinates of the geometry are in latitude/longitude and a length is desired without reprojection. The elipsoid is a separate database type and can be constructed as follows:




An example calculation might look like this:



Calculates the length of of a geometry on an elipsoid, taking the elevation into account. This is just like length_spheroid except vertical coordinates (expressed in the same units as the spheroid axes) are used to calculate the extra distance vertical displacement adds.


Returns the largest distance between two line strings.


Returns the amount of space (in bytes) the geometry takes.


Returns the number of points in the geometry.


If the geometry is a polygon or multi-polygon returns the number of rings.


Returns the number of objects stored in the geometry. This is useful for MULTI-geometries and GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONs.


Returns the 2-dimensional perimeter of the geometry, if it is a polygon or multi-polygon.


Returns the 3-dimensional perimeter of the geometry, if it is a polygon or multi-polygon.


The syntax for this functions is point_inside_circle(<geometry>,<circle_center_x>,<circle_center_y>,<radius>). Returns the true if the geometry is a point and is inside the circle. Returns false otherwise.


Returns the version number of the PostGIS functions installed in this database.


Returns a text summary of the contents of the geometry.


Returns a new geometry with its coordinates transformed to the SRID referenced by the integer parameter. The destination SRID must exist in the SPATIAL_REF_SYS table.


Translates the geometry to a new location using the numeric parameters as offsets. Ie: translate(geom,X,Y,Z).

xmin(box3d) ymin(box3d) zmin(box3d)

Returns the requested minima of a bounding box.

xmax(box3d) ymax(box3d) zmax(box3d)

Returns the requested maxima of a bounding box.

simplify(geometry, tolerance)

Returns a "simplified" version of the given geometry using the Douglas-Peuker algorithm. Will actually do something only with (multi)lines and (multi)polygons but you can safely call it with any kind of geometry. Since simplification occurs on a object-by-object basis you can also feed a GeometryCollection to this function. Note that returned geometry might loose its simplicity (see isSimple)

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