This article complete in PDF format as presented to the GRASS GIS 2002 users conference, Trento, September 2002 here.

Simple spatial queries that can be made with PostgreSQL internal type 'polygon' to GRASS vector area map (after importing this map
to PostgreSQL with, pictures made with -s map=kuruma_id sql=<test_i.sql> color=red):
1. Ring


2. Stripes

select rec_id from info_kuruma_bnd where ((boundary::box <-> point ('(600000,
4984000)')) < 10000 and (boundary::box <-> point ('(600000,
4984000)')) > 5000)
select rec_id from info_kuruma_bnd where 
(boundary::box << point ('(620000, 4984000)') and 
boundary::box >> point ('(610000, 4984000)')) or 
(boundary::box << point ('(600000, 4984000)') and 
boundary::box >> point ('(590000, 4984000)')) or 
(boundary::box << point ('(580000, 4984000)') and
boundary::box >> point ('(570000, 4984000)'))
3. Adidas stripes (skewed by 30 dg.)


4. Sector 30 dg. from point (590000, 4980000)

select rec_id from info_kuruma_bnd where (boundary::box * point ('(.866,.5)')<< point ('(620000, 4984000)') * point ('(.866,.5)') and boundary::box * point ('(.866,.5)')>> point ('(610000, 4984000)') * point ('(.866,.5)')) or (boundary::box * point ('(.866,.5)')<< point ('(600000, 4984000)') * point ('(.866,.5)') and boundary::box * point ('(.866,.5)')>> point ('(590000, 4984000)') * point ('(.866,.5)')) or (boundary::box * point ('(.866,.5)')<< point ('(580000, 4984000)')* point ('(.866,.5)') and boundary::box * point ('(.866,.5)')>> point ('(570000, 4984000)') * point ('(.866,.5)')) select rec_id from info_kuruma_bnd where (boundary::box * point ('(.866,.5)')>> point ('(590000, 4980000)') * point ('(.866,.5)') and boundary::box * point ('(.5,.866)')<< point ('(590000, 4980000)') * point ('(.5,.866)'))
5. Moving shadow

select rec_id from info_kuruma_bnd where ((boundary && new_inf.boundary) and new_inf.rec_id = 1) or ((boundary && polygon(new_inf.boundary::box + point('(-10000,0)'))) and new_inf.rec_id = 1) or ((boundary && polygon(new_inf.boundary::box + point('(-20000,5000)'))) and new_inf.rec_id = 1) or ((boundary && polygon(new_inf.boundary::box + point('(-30000,10000)'))) and new_inf.rec_id = 1) or ((boundary && polygon(new_inf.boundary::box + point('(-40000,15000)'))) and new_inf.rec_id = 1) etc, ...

Alex Shevlakov,
IS consultant, Moscow, Russia,